The release of aerosol compounds (aka Chemtrails) began in 1997 and has grown to a huge global operation "in plane sight" with Youtube videos posted by victim observers from every advanced nation on earth. Collectively, the videos show huge squadrons of high altitude "tanker" jets spraying tons of toxic compounds, usually at altitudes above 35,000 feet.
Satellites record hundreds of Chemtrails sprayed simultaneously over several widely separated geographical targets. The estimated number of jets spraying toxins on any 24 hour period is estimated to be more than 200. This doesn't count those tankers on the ground for maintenance, refueling, recharging with a fresh batch of aerosols or other tankers aloft on their way to or from their assigned "sortie" of the day.
In the aftermath of 9/11 and the engineered banking crisis, the public is more than suspicious that Chemtrail operations could be a biological and/or geo-engineering experiment that contaminates the atmosphere with pathogens. There's little doubt these compounds work to deteriorate the quality of most life on earth. How could they not? For more than a decade government agencies charged with protecting the health safety and welfare of Americans has avoided their duty to inform the public -- and more disturbingly, government agencies go so far as to deny that these aerosol operations exist - even when hard evidence demonstrates that chemtrails are vastly distinguised from normal "vapor trails" (aka contrails).
Scientist, Cliff Carnicom has maintained a vast archive of scientific findings including lab analysis confirming that Chemtrails contain many types of pathogens and toxins. [ http://carnicom.com ].
The increasing volume and frequency of Chemtrail activity since 2006 has raised awareness among the global population. Hundreds of new members recently subscribed to one Yahoo Group with a global membership that now exceeds 4,000 concerned citizens.
The 12 years of institutional and media cover-up of the ongoing global Chemtrail operation is causing citizens to doubt the honesty of their government on many issues. Global Warming and Viral Pandemics are only two.
The government says a "gene mutation" in the West Nile virus is the cause of a more deadly, virulent virus. How is the virus really transmitted and who has the capablity to manufacture a gene mutation? And what is the connection to an exotic virus and the chemtrails operation that could too easily be part of the same experiment? And which government agency is ready to assure the public that Chemtrails DO NOTcontain a weaponized virus that was altered in the test tube then baptized in the laboratory as "West Nile"?
The following article compiles startling global incidents that, taken together, suggest a much darker story than we've been misled to accept.
It's telling when the "official"explanations for bird deaths never implicate the most obvious source -- chemtrails. Instead these bird-kill events are explained away as an industrial accident or freak contamination. Considering the 12 year cover-up of chemtrails it's unlikely that many will continue to accept official government explanations as gospel.

1 comment:
The birds death may also be contributed to climate change. Animals have been forced out of their natural habitat by man. I have seen deers and raccoons in the parking lots of banks and shopping centers in the broad open day. I have heard birds chirp franticly after midnight. Why would the government want to spray poison on wild life? Perhaps, the animals are infected.
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