Environmental Crimes Task Force Report for Alachua County, Florida
The following complaint was submitted to the
Alachua County Environmental Crimes Task Force.
March 8, 2009: The popular name for this issue among millions of civilian witnesses is "Chemtrails" or altrnately, "Persistant Contrails". Documentation of aerial spraying visible within the horizon of Alachua County can be seen at: http://gators911truth.org/CHEMTRAILS.html
Alachua County Environmental Protection (Gus Olmos) declined to acknowledge this complaint as serious, yet admitted they do not have a test to detect airborne toxins originating from aircraft.
Science-based analysis of "Chemtrails" can be found at: http://Carnicom.com
Large citizen groups are forming to demand an explanation of these operations that have proved to deliver pathogens to unknowing citizens.
We will be anticipating a response from your office to solve this obvious public health emergency.
Respectfully, Harold Saive
(Screen reply after entering environmental complaint.)
Thank you for submitting this environmental crime tip. If you entered your contact info, then a detective might make contact with you to request further information or assistance. We greatly appreciate the citizens of Alachua County coming forward to report crime tips that can help us capture criminals and stop future crimes.
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