Published in August, 2001 only a few weeks before the 9/11/ attacks
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CHICAGO IL – On Tuesday, November 24th 2009, We Are Change Chicago attended a book signing with former vice president Al Gore, at the Borders Bookstore on 150 N. State Street. GLOBAL WARMING PETITION PROJECT
The previous Thursday, news had begun to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (CRU) had been published to the internet. The information revealed how top scientists conspired to falsify data in the face of declining global temperatures in order to prop up the premise that man-made factors are driving climate change. Please review ClimateGate for Dummies.
To ensure the public that the media and Al Gore are aware of the facts that prove global warming to be a hoax, patriots from WAC Chicago marched to the book signing. Scattered throughout a crowd of a few hundred were members of WAC Chicago ready to ask Al Gore what he thought about ‘ClimateGate.’
First up was Saad Ali. As he approached Gore, he peacefully and respectably asked, “Sir, can you comment on the emails and documents that were hacked [ClimateGate] that reveal… that the research was a fraud and that it was all manipulated?” Gore, with an evil smirk, claimed that “he never read them.” By the look on his face and his stutter, it became quite clear that Gore was extremely uncomfortable with the question, so he quickly glared towards his security. The agents grabbed and assaulted Saad, escorting him away from Gore for merely asking a simple question. The press took notice and started filming and snapping pictures of what was going on. One of which appeared the next day in the Chicago Sun Times.
We Are Change Chicago at the Al Gore book signing.
Following Saad’s confrontation, Sati Word, a member of WAC Chicago, questioned Gore on why the IPCC hasn’t released any reports on sunspot activity. However, before he could get an answer from Gore, security grabbed Sati and escorted him out of the building.
A little while later, Anthony, an activist from We Are Change Ohio, approached Gore and handed him the petition of the 31,486 scientists who say that Global Warming is a complete hoax. Anthony asked, “What do you think about the science behind this sir?” Mr. Gore rolled his eyes, and security escorted him out of the building.
Steve (swizzlesteve), was the last activist to question Gore. Within seconds of asking, “Any comments on ClimateGate? The emails that prove it’s a scam, a farce, that global warming is a joke, any comment?” Mr. Gore is heard to utter a few “uhhhhhhhs” and security quickly steps in to remove him as well.
The press was waiting outside Borders. They wanted to find out who this group was, that dared question what the elite had forced us to consume as truth. WBBM news radio, 780, ran a sound bite of WAC Chicago, WGN news ran footage, Medill Reports wrote an article, and blog posts were popping up all over the internet about the Al Gore confrontation in Chicago. Many also asked about the footage of WAC Chicago chasing after Gore’s SUV after the event. You will find all of it in this video. Al Gore was confronted multiple times in line, outside the event as he rushed to his waiting Mercedes SUV, (were you expecting something electric?), and once again in the streets of Chicago. We Are Change had people outside with signs, banners, fliers, and DVDs. Activists were inside asking questions and demanding answers; the world is waking up, it’s a great time to be alive.
This is a gift to empowerment us to break the code on the huge campaign of mind manipulation through Propaganda and fear. Listen to James Corbett of "The Corbett Report"
Scahill's Interview on Democracy Now:Nov. 24, 2009 - Video Interview, Transcript and link to THE NATION article++++++++++++++++++
Xe Services exposé by Jeremy Scahill for The Nation Magazine, Blackwaters Secret War in Pakistan, might have provoked a formidable tempest in a teapot among the righteous human rights fighters, the indignant lawyers and duplicitous politicians.
For the diplomatic, intelligence and military communities, which are motivated by callous pragmatism rather than heart-breaking emotions, the latest revelations about Blackwaters not-so-secret ops provide bitter food for thought. JSOC Overview: The Joint Special Operations Command has been used as a covert military action force similar to the CIA except that Congress is NOT allowed any oversight of JSOC operations. The full text of PDD-25 is reported to exempt the JSOC from the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 18USC Sec.1385, PL86-70, Sec. 17[d]. which makes it illegal for military and law enforcement to exercise jointly. This exemption from Constitutional law makes it possible for the President to order JSOC operations inside the US with no requirement to inform Congress. FULL EXPLANATION:Click Here
“Colombia turning into giant US military base” The US and Colombia have signed an agreement “that is basically converting Colombia into one giant US military base in South America,” attorney and writer Eva Golinger told RT. She said the agreement was signed on October 30 and it “authorizes the US not only to occupy seven military bases in Colombia, but also to occupy any installation throughout the entire country.”
George Soros contributed heavily to the Obama's campaign. He also invested $811 million in "Petrobras" Brazil's oil company. Obama made good on both investments by loaning Brazil $2 Billion dollars for Petrobras' off-shore oil drilling.
FALL of the REPUBLIC - Wake Up Call
If you can't see the potential of at least some of these things coming to pass, you're just not paying attention.
Politicians? Utterly corrupt on both sides.
The economy? Overwhelmed with speculative debt.
Obama? A well-spoken version of George Bush.
FALL of the REPUBLICThe wars? Going on without end regardless of the ruinous cost and pointlessness.
The focus of "international" groups?
On the entirely bogus issue of so-called climate change (formerly knows as global warming.)
As we head off the cliff, who exactly is minding the store?The only groups that seems to wield any meaningful power today are...the banks.
FALL of the REPUBLIC - Wake Up Call
If you can't see the potential of at least some of these things coming to pass, you're just not paying attention.
Politicians? Utterly corrupt on both sides.
The economy? Overwhelmed with speculative debt.
Obama? A well-spoken version of George Bush.
The wars? Going on without end regardless of the ruinous cost and pointlessness.
The focus of "international" groups? On the entirely bogus issue of so-called climate change (formerly knows as global warming.)
As we head off the cliff, who exactly is minding the store?
The only groups that seems to wield any meaningful power today are...the banks.