* Read Amy Goodman's latest column *"Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail"
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/01/28/EDI215I99P.DTL&feed=rss.opinionThe San Francisco Chronicle has just announced it is picking up Amy Goodman's weekly column. Please thank them!! (see column above) Consider writing your local newspaper and asking for them to carry the column, distributed by King Features. Many papers across the US have done so already.
If you see the column in your paper, please mail us a copy of the full page, to:
Democracy Now!
100 Lafayette St
New York, NY 10013
Thank you!
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* Jobs at DN! *
Democracy Now! is hiring:
* Web Store Manager
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* Obama to Face Test on Executive Privilege After Rove Subpoenaed Again Over Attorney Firings, Siegelman Prosecution *
The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has subpoenaed former White House adviser Karl Rove to testify next week about the Bush administration's firing of nine US attorneys and the prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. Rove previously refused to appear before the panel, and former President Bush upheld his legal position. Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said he would consult with President Obama's White House counsel to determine the Obama administration's stance. We speak with attorney Scott Horton and former Alabama governor Don Siegelman.
http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/28/obama_to_face_test_on_executive* Bush's Secret Counterterrorism Law Book—and the Demands to Release It *
We take a look at the Bush administration's secret Justice Department memos on detention, interrogation, surveillance and prosecution. These opinions were issued by the Office of Legal Counsel and advised the executive branch on the legality of a range of tactics in fighting the so-called "war on terror." A few of these records have been made public, but many remain secret, including those relating to the Bush administration's domestic surveillance program. The investigative website ProPublica has compiled the first public database of all that is currently known about these memos.
http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/28/report_bushs_secret_counterterrorism* Sanders Votes No on Geithner: "[He's] More of a Part of the Problem...Than the Solution" *
We speak with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–VT) about his decision to vote against Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary, Obama's $825 billion economic stimulus plan, and why the $700 billion financial bailout amounts to "the greatest financial scandal in the history of this country."
http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/28/sanders_votes_no_on_geithner_hes* Headlines for January 28, 2009 *
House to Vote on Nearly $900B Stimulus Package
Hundreds Flee Latest Israeli Bombings
Gaza Sewage Plant Suffers Extensive Damage
Gates Warns of Iran Role in Latin America
Report: Obama Admin to Pressure Karzai
9th World Social Forum Kicks Off in Brazil
Report: Bailed-Out Banks Joined in Planning on Defeating Union Bill
3 Indicted for Election Night Church Arson
http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/28/headlines= = = = = = = = =
Democracy Now!'s daily news summaries are now available in Spanish:
Read Wednesday, January 28, 2009:
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Thursday, January 29, 2009: TBA
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* Internships at DN! *
For information about winter/spring 2009 internships at Democracy Now! in New York City, please email
admin@democracynow.org= = = = = = = = =
* New stations broadcasting Democracy Now! *
CKLU 96.7 FM at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada is now airing Democracy Now! on Wednesdays at 2pm.
KLND, 89.5 FM (The voice of Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Nations) in McLaughlin, South Dakota is now airing Democracy Now! at 6pm, M-F
www.klndradio.org= = = = = = = = =
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